

ELECTRICITY   Electricity is a set of physical phenomena that occur when there is a movement of electrons from atoms that form any type of matter. The physical phenomena it produces can be light (bulb), heat (electric radiator), movement (motors), etc. The movement of electrons is what is known as "electric current". So we can say that electricity is the phenomena that occur by the passage of electric current. - Physical phenomena: Light, Heat, Motion, Sound, etc. Then we'll see these phenomena. - Electrons: Particles of the atoms by which a material is formed. - Electric current: electron movement. This movement of electrons can be caused naturally, as is the case of a lightning bolt, or they can be caused by man artificially, for example a dynamo such as that of the bicycle that produces electric current. Los Atomos, los Electrones y La Electricidad Matter or any material is made up of very small particles (...